
Barrington Outdoor Adventure Centre (2)

Yesterday: rafting day, on the Barrington River. So great! unless we had some raining episods.
With Brian (photo), who runs the Centre, Arthur, and 4 customers.

A little fear when I found myself in the water, under the boat, but quickly it was funny.

Great sensations, wonderful scenery. Just happiness!


Barrington Outdoor Adventure Centre

New adventures!
Now, I am, for a new wwoofing, in Gloucester, about 200 km North West of Sydney.

Brian and Naomi run the Barrington Outdoor Adventure Centre. They propose different activities: kayaking, canoeing, mountain bike riding, hiking...

A French wwoofer, Arthur, arrived on Monday like I did. We do some gardening, cleaning, grass cutting...

It rains every day.
We eat very good vegetables and herbs from the organic gardens.
The spot is fabulous: countryside, with mountains just in front of the house, rivers, fields...

A great puff of pure air after Sydney!