
New Zealand (3) - Dunedin and Otago Peninsula

Dunedin is a charmant city on the South-East coast of the South Island. Centered on a octagon-shaped square, it has among others the world's steepest street: Baldwin Street.

Over the 161.2 m length of the top section, it climbs a vertical height of 47.22 m, which is an average gradient of 1 in 3.41. On its steepest section the gradient is 1 in 2.86 m!
Every year, during Dunedin's Festival, take place social and competitive foot races to the top of the street and back. These races are known as the "Baldwin Street Gutbuster".

Arrived yesterday night on the Otago Peninsula.
Today, on the beach of the Sandfly Bay, we surprised some sea lions sleeping under the sun... Pretty improbable encounter, but delicious. The New Zealand Sea Lion is one of the rarest in the world and indisputably the most threatened species because of its restricted breeding range.
The male attain weights of up to 400 kg and a length of just over 3 m.
It's recommended not to approach them to less than 5 m. If disturbed, they can may rear up and roar.

Not seen any penguins, because they only come to the beach when the sun sets.

Then visit of the Larnach Castle gardens.

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